Sonic Arts Party
Set with Stephanie Tsu for strings, percussion, and electronics
February 9, 2025 - 7pm EST @ Scorpion Records; 792 Onderdonk Ave, Queens, NY 11385
Performing some new music in duo with Stephanie Tsu at Scorpion Records. Strings, metals, woods, synthesizers, and computers!
Scorpion Records
MoxSonic: Missouri Experimental Sonic Arts Festival
Broadcast (Coda) and Research Presentation (pyAMPACT)
March 19-21, 2025 @ University of Central Missouri; 116 W South St, Warrensburg, MO 64093
I will have my fixed media work Coda being broadcast throughout the festival in the listening room. On March 20,
I will be presenting the latest research on the pyAMPACT, the work of Professor Johanna Devaney, Alexander Morgan, and myself,
as part of the paper sessions.
Coda is the first work I wrote taking a new approach of slowing things down in my process while more deeply exploring the aesthetics and creative goals outlined in these notes. Having moved all my equipment back home from my studio,
it is an area that forces me to do all performing, recording, sampling, and effects processing on analog hardware. The purpose of this is not around gear fetishization, but instead to really examine the fundamentals of effects processing, synthesis, mixing, editing and listening.
It's also a love letter.
pyAMPACT (Python-based Automatic Music Performance Analysis and Comparison Toolkit) links symbolic and audio music representations to facilitate score informed estimation
of performance data in audio as well as general linking of symbolic and audio music representations with a variety of annotations.
pyAMPACT can read a range of symbolic formats and can output note-linked audio descriptors/performance data into MEI-formatted files. The audio analysis uses score
alignment to calculate time-frequency regions of importance for each note in the symbolic representation from which to estimate a range of parameters.
These include tuning-, dynamics-, and timbre- related performance descriptors, with timing-related information available from the score alignment.
Beyond performance data estimation, pyAMPACT also facilitates multi-modal investigations through its infrastructure for linking symbolic representations and
annotations to audio.
SEAMUS Conference: Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States
Installation (Practical Environments No. 3 - Greater Lafayette) and Research Presentation (pyAMPACT)
March 21-24, 2025 @ Purdue University; 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907
I will be installing the third version of Practical Environments that will run with field recordings and broadcasts from the Lafayette region. This is the first
showing of the work as an installation and the first outside of New York City. I will also be presenting the latest research on the pyAMPACT, the work of Professor Johanna Devaney,
Alexander Morgan, and myself, as part of the paper sessions.
Practical Environments No. 3 is presented as either an installation or concert hall work centering around the recorded landscapes of the Greater Lafayette area.
The piece aims to expand the landscapes and spaces in which we exist, without taking away from their natural qualities.
To expand, several audio processors and synthesizers that I had built over the years are wired into a patch in Max/MSP and RNBO~. I will collect field recordings
of the surrounding area in advance of the install/concert date, whereby making the recording function as the score of the performance. In addition to the pre-recorded material,
audio will be broadcast into the space by devices placed around the area, to elaborate on the work in real time. In the patch, I employ multiple filters and envelope
followers to grab the dynamics of the space and convert into data. These data, along with performer input, controlled the behaviors and parameters of the processing units and sound
generators within the patch. Given this approach, the patch is now a basis for other location sites, either live or pre-recorded, to serve as scores for future performances.
Any processing and triggered events are designed to be as nuanced as possible, inviting the listener to lean in, or not, to get what they wanted out of the experience.
The background of this work was conceived after being invited to the BOUQUETS series at Mama Tried in Brooklyn, New York; where artists are asked to perform in duet with
the Brooklyn-Queens Express-way just across the street. Two shotgun mics were placed on the roof of the building and the audio fed onstage, where performers can choose to
process, perform, improvise, or anything else, alongside the traffic. Linked below is my resulting work from that performance.
pyAMPACT (Python-based Automatic Music Performance Analysis and Comparison Toolkit) links symbolic and audio music representations to facilitate score informed estimation
of performance data in audio as well as general linking of symbolic and audio music representations with a variety of annotations.
pyAMPACT can read a range of symbolic formats and can output note-linked audio descriptors/performance data into MEI-formatted files. The audio analysis uses score
alignment to calculate time-frequency regions of importance for each note in the symbolic representation from which to estimate a range of parameters.
These include tuning-, dynamics-, and timbre- related performance descriptors, with timing-related information available from the score alignment.
Beyond performance data estimation, pyAMPACT also facilitates multi-modal investigations through its infrastructure for linking symbolic representations and
annotations to audio.
Radiophrenia Glasgow
Practical Environments No. 1 - Brooklyn/Queens Expressway radio broadcast
April 7-20, 2025; Glasgow, Scotland and online
As part of the annual Radiophrenia series, my work Practical Environments No. 1 will be broadcast live on-air and online during the festival. Specific schedules
and artist rosters coming soon.