A collection of writings, articles, essays, and documentation...

To view my full CV as of Spring 2025, please click here.

Zero to 16383 Through the Wire: Transmitting High-Resolution MIDI with WebSockets and the Browser (2021-2023)

Presented at IRCAM Forum, NYCEMF, VU Symposium, Australasian Computer Music Conference

Dynamic Stochastic Control Voltage Generation: Adapting Iannis Xenkais' GENDY Program for Modular Synthesizer (2021)

Emille, the Journal of the Korean Electro-Acoustic Music Society Volume 19 (2021)

Control Surfaces: Using the Commodore 64 and Analog Synthesizer to Expand Musical Boundaries (2021)

Presented at SEAMUS 2021: Supplemental paper to the recordings of the same name

COMPOSITES 1: An Exploration into Real-Time Animated Notation in the Web Browser (2019)

14th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR) Proceedings: 2019; Marseille, France. Page 383.

Live Coding Control of a Modular Synthesizer with ChucK (2019)

Guest Submission for Toplap.org